
Dude Wipes & Other Distractions

It’s all Amelia’s fault. When my wickedly witty mentee told me about Dude Wipes, flushable wipes for on-the-go “shituations” packaged in manly shades of charcoal gray, I willingly sacrificed my 500 word goal for the day in the name of research. I share with you now my discoveries: 1. anal surgeons warn the product’s additional moisture “festers,” resulting in discomfort that feels like “fissures or hemorrhoids;” 2. some med students actually choose to specialize in anal surgery; and 3. according to “Adam Ruins Everything” even if the package says they’re flushable, wipes for all ages, regardless of gender targeting, wreak havoc on our wastewater systems. So, uh just don’t. Now, back to work!

And what is this furry thing? Nothing requiring dude wipes, I promise. Just a bit of online shopping whimsy to celebrate the end of a 16-month-long project. The upfit of our over-the-garage apartment passed its final inspection and it’s time for the fun part: Decorating! (Rug from Overstock; ottoman from Wayfair; Indian Security Doors for the closet are from Eden Street Market.)

So happy to have visits from both daughters in the past few weeks. (One brought her new beau.) Recent dietary restrictions for the younger sent me on the quest for new recipes. This coconut cake, gluten- and dairy-free, got thumbs up from everyone at the table, even from those who aren’t big coconut fans. (You can find the cake recipe at allrecipes.com, and the icing at blessthismess.com)

Gluten- and Dairy-free Coconut Cake with White Cloud Icing

Current WIP, Tamarind, my first stab at historic fiction, is set in 1622, and has reached a word count of 22,655 or 10,126, depending on which draft you look at. At this point, I don’t suggest you look at either!

More progress made on my collaborative project with @JenJovan. Here’s a sneak peak: 

Uh oh, Lady Liberty looks worried!

One more furry thing: Poe, from his near constant perch atop the heating vent, is looking forward to spring. Me, too!

#PoeTheCat looking for signs of spring


Life & Other Distractions